[102] Dhoubhadel, S., A. Azzam, and B. Khanal. 2024. Resilience of Small Meat Packers to COVID-19 and the USDA Supply Chain Initiative." Agribusiness: An International Journal (Early View).
[101] Azzam, A. and S. Dhoubhadel. 2024. "A Dominant-Duopoly Competitive-Fringe Model of the World Soybean Export Market." International Journal of Trade and Global Markets 19:133-147.
[100] Azzam, A., I-M Gren, and H. Andersson. 2023. "Comparative Resilience of US and EU Meat Processing to the COVID19 Pandemic." Food Policy 119:102517
[99] Azzam, A. 2023. "Restructuring U.S. Meatpacking as a Resilience Strategy Against Capacity Disruptions: Will it Work? Applied Economics Letters 30:786-789.
[98] Azzam, A. and S. Dhoubhadel. 2022. "COVID-19, Beef Price Spreads, and Market Power". Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 47:462-476.
[97] Azzam, A. and B. Rettab. 2022. "Comparative TFP Growth Between GCC Conventional and Islamic Banks Before and After The 2008 Financial Crisis". The Singapore Economic Review 67:289-308.
[96] Azzam, A., C. Walters, and T. Kaus. 2021. "Does Subsidized Crop Insurance Affect Farm Industry Structure?: Lessons from the U.S." Journal of Policy Modeling 43:117-1180
[95] Dhoubhadel, S. and A. Azzam. 2021. "The Impact of the Livestock Friendly Designation on the Nebraska Cattle Industry: A Difference-in-Differences with Staggered Treatement Analysis". Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 53:169-185.
[94] Azzam, A. 2021. "Is the World Converging to a 'Western Diet'?" Public Health and Nutrition 24:309-317.
[93] Khanal, B., R. A. Lopez , and A. Azzam. 2020. "Testing Local Bias if Food Consumption: The Case of Fluid Milk". Agribusiness: An International Journal 36:339-344.
[92] lopez, R. A., X. Hie, and A. Azzam. 2018. "Stochastic Frontier Estimation of Market Power in the Food Industries." Journal of Agricultural Economics 69:3-17. doi: 10.1111/1477-9552.12219.
[91] Parcel, J., J. Schroeter, and A. Azzam. 2017. "A Re-Examination of Multistage Economies in Hog Farming." Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/jafio-2017-0033. (Contribution to the JAFIO Special Issue In Honor of Professor Emilio Pagoulatos: friend, advisor, and mentor. Organizers: Rigoberto Lopez and Elena Lopez.)
[90] Li, J. and A. Azzam. 2017. "U.S. Mushroom Import Demand Estimation with the Source-Differentiated AIDS Model." International Journal of Trade and Global Markets 10:339-349.
[89] Rehkamp, S., A. Azzam, and C. Gustafson. 2017. "The Medical Cost Savings of Changes to Healthier U.S. Diets." Food Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal 7:1-16. doi:10.18848/2160-1933/CGP/v07i04/1-16.
[88] Khanal, B. and A. Azzam. 2017. "A Hedonic Analysis of Community Supported Agriculture Share Prices in US Midwest." Food Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal 8:1-8. doi:10.18848/2160-1933/CGP/v08i01/1-8.
[87] Dhoubhadel, S., A. Azzam, and M. Stockton. 2017. "Does the United States have Market Power in Importing Ethanol from Brazil?" International Journal of Trade and Global Markets 10:251-266.
[86] Rehkamp, S., A. Azzam, and C. Gustafson. 2017. "U.S. Dietary Shifts and the Associated CO2 Emissions from Farm Energy Use." Food Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal 7:11-22. doi:10.18848/2160-1933/CGP/v07i02/11-22.
[85] Mills, B. A. Azzam, K. Brooks, and D. Aiken. 2016. "An Econometric Analysis of the Nebraska Livestock Friendly Country Program" Online Journal of Rural Research and Policy 11.1(Aricle):1-22.
[84] Dhoubhadel, S., A. Azzam, and M. Stockton. 2015. "Imported and U.S. Domestic Beef: Substitutes or Complements?" Agribusiness: An International Journal 4:568-572.
[83] Azzam, A. and B. Rettab. 2015. "Optimal Commodity Taxation and Consumer Welfare: An Empirical Application to the UAE." International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies 8:191-2012.
[82] Azzam, A., G. Nene, and K. Schoengold. 2015. "Hog Industry Structure and the Stringency of Environmental Regulation." Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 63:281-429.
[81] Dhoubhadel, S., A. Azzam, and M. Stockton. 2015. "The Impact of Biofuels Policy and Drought on the U.S. Grain and Livestock Markets." Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 47:77-103.
[80] Azzam, A. and B. Rettab. 2015. "Estimation and Application of a Complete Demand System for the UAE. International Journal of Emerging Markets 10:329-349.
[79] Bairagi, S. and A. Azzam. 2014. "Does the Grameen Bank Exert Market Power over Borrowers." Applied Economics Letters 21:866-869.
[78] Yiannaka, A. Azzam, and S. Kachman. 2013. "The Effect of Wal-Mart on the Economic Growth of Nebraska Counties." International Research Journal of Applied Finance 4:1394-1406.
[77] Bouras, D. and A. Azzam. 2013. "Market and Welfare Effects of Multi-product Mergers with Reference to the Tyson-IBP Merger." Journal of Business and Economics Research 11:521-536.
[76] Azzam, A. and B. Rettab. 2013. "Food Price Cap Policy and Household Welfare in the UAE." International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies 6:64-77.
[75] Azzam, A. and B. Rettab. 2013. "Market Power versus Cost-Efficiency Under Uncertainty: Conventional versus Islamic Banking in the GCC." Applied Economics 15:2011-2022.
[74] Azzam, A. and B. Rettab. 2012. "A welfare measure of consumer vulnerability to rising prices of food imports in the UAE." Food Policy 5:554-560.
[73] Azzam, A. and B. Rettab. 2011. "Are Restrictions on Foreign-Ownership Counter-Productive: Evidence from Dubai, United Arab Emirates." International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies 4:1-19.
[72] Rettab, B. and A. Azzam. 2011. "Performance of Family and Non-Family Firms with Self-Selection: Evidence from Dubai." Modern Economy 2:625-6432.0
[71] Panagiotou, D. and A. Azzam. 2010. "Trade Bans, Imperfect Competition, and Welfare: BSE and the US Beef Industry." Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 58:109-129.
[70] Rettab, B., T. Kwaak, and A. Azzam. 2010. " An Optimization Procedure for Estimating the Stock of Capital: Application to Ten Production Sectors of Dubai." Regional and Sectoral Economic Studies 10:113-119.
[69] Azzam, A., B. Rettab, and M. Morada. 2010. "Revealed Comparative Advantage - Where It is Least Expected: Dubai." International Journal of Trade and Global Markets 3:199-216.
[68] Achy, L. A. Azzam, and K. Sekkat. 2009. "Coping with Data Limitations when Measuring Oligopoly Power in a Developing Country." Regional and Sectoral Economic Studies 9:85-96.
[67] Rettab, B. and A. Azzam. 2008. "Re-Export Intensity and Trade Costs: Port Facilities and Services." Maritime Economics & Logistics 10:229-242.
[66] Azzam, A. and H. Andersson. 2008. "Measuring Price Effects of Concentration in Mixed Oligopoly: An Application to the Swedish Beef-Slaughter Industry." Journal of Industry, Competition, and Trade 8:21-31.
[65] Coelho, A.R., D.R. Mark, and A. Azzam. 2008. "Understanding Basis Risk Associated with Fed Cattle Livestock Risk Protection Insurance." Journal of Extension 46:Article 1R1B6.
[64] Azzam, A. and C. Skinner. 2007. "Vertical Economies and the Structure of U.S. Hog Farms." Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 55:349-364.
[63] Njoroge, K., E. Yiannaka, K. Giannakas, and A. Azzam. 2007. "Market and Welfare Effects of the U.S. Livestock Mandatory Reporting Act." Southern Economic Journal 74:290-311.
[62] Azzam, A. 2007. Review of The Nature of the Farm - Contracts, Risk, and Organization in Agriculture by Douglas W. Allen and Dean Lueck. Agribusiness: An International Journal 23:293-294.
[61] Schroeter, J., A. Azzam, and D. Aiken. 2006. "Anti-Corporate Farming Laws and Industry Structure: The Case of Cattle Feeding." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 88:1000-1014.<\p>
[60] Schroeter, J. A.Azzam and M. Zhang. 2006. "Measuring Market Power in Bilateral Oligopoly." Chapter 6 in H. Kaiser and N. Suzuki (eds), New Empirical Industrial Organization & the Food System. Peter Lang Publishing Company, New York.
[59] Azzam, A. and E. Pagoulatos. 2006. "Testing Oligopolistic and Oligopsonistic Behavior: An Application to the U.S. Meat Packing Industry." Chapter 8 in H. Kaiser and N. Suzuki (eds), New Empirical Industrial Organization & the Food System. Peter Lang Publishing Company, New York.
[58] Azzam, A. and K. Sekkat. 2005. "Measuring Total-Factor Productivity Growth under Drought Conditions: The Case of Morocco." Journal of North African Studies 10:19-32.
[57] Azzam, A., E. Lopez, and R. Lopez. 2004. "Imperfect Competition and Total Factor Productivity Growth." Journal of Productivity Analysis 23:173-184.
[56] Schroeter, J. R. and A. Azzam. 2004. "Captive Supplies and Cash Market Prices for Fed Cattle: The Role of Delivery Timing Incentives." Agribusiness: An International Journal 20:347-362.
[55] Azzam, A. and S. Salvador. 2004. "Information Pooling and Collusion: An Empirical Test." Information Economics and Policy 16:275-286.
[54] Azzam, A. 2003. "Market Transparency and Market Structure: The Livestock Mandatory Reporting Act of 1999." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 85:387-395.
[53] Schroeter, J. and A. Azzam. 2003. "Captive Supplies and the Spot Market Price of Fed Cattle: The Plant-Level Relationship." Agribusiness: An International Journal 19:489-504.
[52] Lopez, R. A., A. M. Azzam, and C. Liron-Espana. 2002. "Market Power and/or Efficiency: A Structural Approach." Review of Industrial Organization 20:115-126.
[51] Azzam, A. 2002. "Public Regulation in Food and Agriculture: Goals Constraints Polices Instruments and Disputes", in Knowledge for Sustainable Development: An Insight into the Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, volumes I,II,III, pp.1101-1113 ,UNESCO Publishing-EOLSS Publishers, Oxford, UK.
[50] Azzam, A. 2001. "Slotting Allowances and Price-Cost Margins: A Note." Agribusiness: An International Journal 17:417-422.
[49] Azzam, A. and D. Rosenbaum. 2001. "Differential Efficiency, Market Structure, and Price." Applied Economics 33:1351-1357.
[48] Azzam, A. and A. Weliwitta. 2001. "Testing for Relative Economic Efficiency without Imposing Arbitrary Farm Size." Applied Economic Letters 8:141-144.
[47] Schroeter, J., A. Azzam, and M. Zhang. 2000. "Measuring Market Power in Bilateral Oligopoly: The Wholesale Market for Beef." Southern Economic Journal 66:526-547.
[46] Azzam, A., and E. Pagoulatos. 1999. "Measurement of Technological and Market Structure: Alternative Methodological Perspectives - Discussion." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 81:644-646.
[45] Azzam, A. 1999. "Asymmetry and Rigidity of Farm-Retail Price Transmission." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 81:525-533.
[44] Azzam, A. And E. Pagoulatos. 1999. "Vertical Relationships: Economic Theory and Empirical Evidence." in Vertical Relationships and Coordination in the Food System, G. Galizzi and L. Venturini (Editors). Physica - Verlag Heidelberg.
[43] Ziari H., and A. Azzam. 1999. "Parametrizing Nonparametric Translog Models: A Goal Programming/ Constrained Regression Study of U.S. Manufacturing." Empirical Economics 24: 331-340.
[42] Schroeter, J. R. and A. Azzam. 1999. Econometric Analysis of Fed Cattle Procurement in the Texas Panhandle. Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration. [online] available at http://www.usda.gov/gipsa/programspsp/txpeer/reportindex.htm
[41] Azzam, A. 1998. "Testing for Vertical Economies of Scope: An Example from U.S. Pig Production." Journal of AgriculturalEconomics 49:427-433.
[40] Azzam, A. 1998. "Competition in the U.S. Meatpacking Industry: Is It History?" Agricultural Economics 18:107-126.
[39] Azzam, A. 1998. "Captive Supplies, Market Conduct, and the Open-Market Price." American Journal of Agricultural Economics80:76-83.
[38] Azzam, A. 1997. "Measuring Market Power and Cost-Efficiency Effects of Industrial Concentration." Journal of Industrial Economics 45:377-386.
[37] Azzam, A., S. Azzam, M.Moussaoui, M. El Bouhsinni, and A. Amri. 1997. "Costs and Benefits of Research in Hessian Fly Resistant Wheat Varieties in Morocco." Journal of Economic Entomology 90:1-5.
[36] Azzam, A. and J. Schroeter. 1997. "Concentration in the Beef Packing Industry: Do Gains Outweigh Losses." Choices pp.26-28.
[35] Azzam, A. 1996. "Testing the Monopsony Inefficiency Incentive for Backward Integration." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 78:585-590.
[34] Weliwita, A. and A. Azzam. 1996. "Identifying Implicit Collusion Under Declining Output Demand." Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 21:235-246.
[33] Azzam, A. 1996. "Estimating the Degree of Dominance in a Bilateral Oligopoly." Applied Economics Letters 3:209-211.
[32] Azzam, A, A.. Weliwita, and D. Rosenbaum. 1996. "Is There More than One Critical Concentration Ratio?" Applied Economics 28:673-678.
[31] Azzam, A. and D. Anderson. 1996. Assessing Competition in Meatpacking: Economic History, Theory, and Empirical Evidence. USDA Packers and Stockyards Programs, GIPSA-RR
[30] Azzam, A. and J. Schroeter. 1995. "Tradeoffs Between Oligopsony Power and Cost-Efficiency from Horizontal Consolidation: An Example from Beef Packing." American Journal Agricultural Economics 77:835-836.
[29] Azzam, A., M. Baker, I. Berry, and J. Campbell. 1995. "An Exploratory Bioeconomic Model of Pesticide Use for Controlling Feedlot-Cattle Pests." Agricultural Systems 48:145-154.
[28] Azzam, S., A. Azzam. 1994. "A Network Model that Determines the Optimal Path of Breed Crossing Decisions to Maximize Net Returns." Agricultural Systems 45:145-154.
[27] Azzam, A., K. Stiegert and W. Brorsen. 1993. "Markdown Pricing and Cattle Supply in the Beef Packing Industry." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 75:549-558.
[26] Azzam, A. and T. Park. 1993. "Testing for Switching Market Conduct." Applied Economics 25:795-800.
[25] Azzam, A., S. Azzam, and T. Guest. 1993. "A Probability Model of Aggregate Meat Consumption in the U.S.A." Journal of Consumer Studies 17:355-365.
[24] Azzam, A. 1992. "Testing the Competitiveness of Food Price Spreads." Journal of Agricultural Economics 43:248-256.
[23] Azzam, A. and A. Wellman. 1992. Packer Integration into Hog Production: Current Status and Possible Impacts on Hog Prices and Quantities. Research Bulletin 325, ARD, IANR, UNL.
[22] Azzam, A. and A. Britel. 1992. "An Economic Analysis of a Cross-Market Subsidy Scheme for Morocco's Food-Grain Sector." Journal of Economic Studies 19:55-72.
[21] Azzam, A. and J. Schroeter. 1991. "Implications of Increased Regional Concentration and Oligopsonistic Coordination in the Beef Packing Industry." Western Journal of Agricultural Economics 16:374-381.
[20] Schroeter, J. and A. Azzam. 1991. "Marketing Margins, Market Power and Price Uncertainty." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 73:990-999.
[19] Azzam, A. and M. Moussaoui. 1991. "Least-Cost Bread-Flour Mix: A Prototype Policy Model for Morocco." Journal of Development Studies 11:325-339.
[18] Azzam, A. and M. Turner. 1991. "Management Practices and Financial Performance of Agricultural Cooperatives: A Partial Adjustment Model." Journal of Agricultural Cooperation 16:12-21.
[17] Azzam, S. and A. Azzam. 1991. "A Markovian Decision Model for Beef Cattle Replacement that Considers Spring and Fall Calving." Journal of Animal Science 69:2329-41.
[16] Azzam, A. 1991. "Food Subsidies and Market Interdependence." Agricultural Economics 5:325-339.
[15] Azzam, A. and E. Pagoulatos. 1990. "Testing Oligopolistic and Oligopsonistic Behavior: An Application to the U.S. Meat Packing Industry." Journal of Agricultural Economics 41:362- 370.
[14] Schroeter, J. and A. Azzam. 1990. "Measuring Market Power in Multi-Product Oligopolies: The U.S. Meat Industry." Applied Economics 22:1365-1376.
[13] Pagoulatos E., A. Azzam and M. Kitazawa. 1990. "An Econometric Analysis of the Forward Premium in the International Corn Market." European Review of Agricultural Economics 17:335-347.
[12] Stiegert, K. and A. Azzam. 1990. "Third World Debt and Wheat Imports: An Analysis for Selected Countries." Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 12:79-87.
[11] Azzam, S., A. Azzam, M. Nielsen and J. Kinder. 1990. "Markov Chains as a Shortcut Method to Estimate Age Distributions in Herds of Beef Cattle Under Alternative Culling Strategies." Journal of Animal science 68:5-14.
[10] Azzam, A. 1990. "Agricultural Labor and Technological Change in Morocco." In Labor and Rainfed Agriculture in West Asia and North Africa, D. Tully (ed.) , pp. 273-295. Published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, the Netherlands.
[9] Azzam, A., S. Azzam, J. Keele and J. Keown. 1989. "The Economic Value of Dairy Herd Improvement Information in a Sample of Midwestern Dairy Farms." Journal of Dairy Science 72:1296-1301.
[8] Linsenmeyer, D., A. Azzam and D. Olsen. 1989. "Planning Rural Transportation Systems: Applications of a Statewide Network Model." In Profitability and Mobility in Rural America, W. Gillis (ed.), pp. 171-192.
[7] Azzam, A. and D. Linsenmeyer. 1987. "A Statewide Network Model for Rationalizing the Grain and Livestock Transportation System in Rural Nebraska." Journal of the Transportation Research Forum 28:112-119.
[6] Yanagida, J., A. Azzam and D. Linsenmeyer. 1987. "Two Alternative Methods of Removing Price Supports: Implications to the U.S. Corn and Livestock Industries." Journal of Policy Modeling 9:331-320.
[5] Azzam, A. and J. Yanagida. 1987. "A Cautionary Note on Polynomial Distributed Lag Formulation of Supply Response." Western Journal of Agricultural Economics 12:60-64.
[4] Azzam, A., J. Yanagida and D. Linsenmeyer. 1987. "A Linked Econometric Model of the Livestock-Feed Sectors in Nebraska and the Rest of the United States." North Central Journal of Agricultural Economics 9:247-258.
[3] Azzam, A. and D. Linsenmeyer. 1987. "The Impact of Volume of Marketing and Distance to Markets on the Choice of Truck Size." North Central Journal of Agricultural Economics 9:135-144.
[2] Pagoulatos, E. and A. Azzam. 1987. Commodity-Specific Exchange Rates for U.S. Agriculture. Research Bulletin 309,ARD, IANR, UNL.
[1] Azzam, A., D. Linsenmeyer and M. Baker. 1987. A Quarterly Econometric Model of the Livestock Feed Subsectors in Nebraska and the Rest of the United States. Research Bulletin 551, ARD, IANR,UNL.