Courses Taught

University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Undergraduate: Applied Statistics, Operations Research, Econometrics.
Master's: Microeconomics, Demand and Price Analysis, Mathematical Economics, Research Methods.
PhD: Structural Econometric Modeling in Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization.

  • a medium sized classroom with a professor writing on the board
    Demand and Price Analysis
  • students looking at a projection on a whiteboard
    Research Methods
  • students posing for a picture in front of a whiteboard
    Structural Econometric Modeling in Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization

University of Dubai (2009-2010)
Undergraduate: Microeconomics.
MBA: Managerial Economics.

Invited Teaching

University Mohammed VI Polytechnique, Benguerir, Morocco. Applied Welfare Economics and Policy Policy (February 18-21, 2019).

OCP Policy Center, Rabat, Morocco -Microeconomic Analysis for Public Policy (March 21-25, 2016).

NOVA PhD Summer School, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden
                 - Structural Approaches to Empirical Analysis of Competitive Behavior in the Food Industry
                 (August 17-19, 2016).

OCP Policy Center, Rabat, Morocco - Microeconomic Analysis for Public Policy (March 23-27, 2016).

NOVA PhD Summer School, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden 
                 - Empirical Analysis of Firm and Industry Behavior in the Food Marketing Chain (June 7-9, 2004)

Universita Cattolica Del Sacro Cuorie, Cremona, Italy - Analysis of Market Power  (May, 1998).

Harvard Institute of International Development, Harvard University - Applied Microeconomics (Summer 1997).